
  Sunrise: 1st March – 7h.08m.
Sunset: 1st March – 18h.30m.
Full moon: 9th March.
Spring equinox: 20th March 3h.50m.

VEGETABLE PLOTS: Can seed lettuce, beets for animals (beterraba), beetroot, cabbage, chick peas, sprouting turnip (grelos), spinach, parsely, tomatoes, hardy bush beans, end of month plant pumpkins. Prepare your runner bean and pea sticks.

FIELDS: Manure, rotorvate or dig fields in preparation to plant maize and to plant main crop of potatoes at the end of the month.

VINEYARDS/ TREES/ PRUNING/ GRAFTING: With the waning moon can still prune and treat fruit trees. Spray the grapevines with copper sulphate against fungal problems.